Traditional folk festival Festa di Ferragosto Gravedona
Sea fireworks Gravedona
Location: Lungo Lago- lake promenade
Time: Fireworks start at 10 p.m.
Info: ><_ class 0344/85005
Every year on the evening of August 14th before the Assumption of Mary (Ferragosto) a big festival with a lot of folklore and music is organized in Gravedona. Really worth seeing is the parade of illuminated barges accompanied by impressive music (from 9 p.m.) and from 10 p.m. firing of the probably spectacular fireworks on Lake Como.
From 9 p.m. allegorical boat parade with illuminated barges accompanied by impressive music.
Here you can see an impression of the spectacle: Fireworks picture gallery Gravedona
The right accommodation for your Italy vacation
Lake Como, Lombardy (Casa Paradiso Sasso Pelo)
Price per week from 1498 €